Noelia Núñez is a South American-born artist based in the cozy town of Staunton, Virginia who is interminably inspired by the interactions of the world within her meeting the world without. She enjoys painting with expressive brushstrokes that mimic the layers of color arranged in the deep nature and historic architecture around her. The goal: To render these surroundings such that (e)motion is generated both in the paintings themselves as with the audience. Originally from Uruguay, Noelia and her family immigrated to the United States when she was just nine years old, moving to Staunton in 2003. She integrates the disparate settings of her daily experience by harnessing the light/dark aspects of her observations and emitting them into vibrant shades of color/contrast. Noelia hopes to forge a connection with her audience by transporting them to a place of beauty and wonder wherever her artwork resides.
Noelia has showcased all across Staunton over the past six years. Her favorite way to contribute and participate in the community is through artistic creation, including live paintings for fundraisers at the Children’s Valley Advocacy Center; teaching classes on painting and drawing for children in grades K-12 at art camps; and teaching virtually from her own studio during the pandemic. Noelia also enjoys bringing people’s visions to life through custom paintings, as well as her own collections presented at special events or in business establishments throughout the Shenandoah Valley. Noelia dreams of her work’s continued maturation, and that it manifests into the vehicle by which she and others grow and commune.